Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bullying at CPS it must STOP!

Lately I watched a show on CNN, “Anderson Cooper Special Report – Bullying: It Stops Here” I live in Chicago and deal with CPS all the time.  Though this show was about children bullying each other I found the irony that the biggest bullies I have found at CPS are the Administrators and Lawyers.  I have had many dealings with CPS as a Special Education Advocate, a Parent, and as a Community Member.  It seems like the Chicago Public School District has no accountability and even when you have evidence against them they are allowed to “deal with it”.  I have some horrible stories but the truth is that the worst are still out there and I am shocked by CPS’s actions every day. 

At present in Chicago the Chicago Teachers Union a.k.a the teachers are being bullied by what seems to be everyone.  Ironically we ask these very teachers training them to watch out for bullies and bulling in their school.  The whole time these very teachers are being bullied by the Board of Education for the City of Chicago including the Politicians and Parents.  The Board is allowing Principals more absolute powers over there Schools with little to no accountability other than their contract renewals.  The reason for this is of course to cut costs by any means necessary.  This includes tenured teachers with cheaper inexperience teachers, cutting Special Education forcing teachers to prove every little reason.  Even when they do the Principals try everything to deny the services and when the teachers complain they just get rid of them.  Then you have the Principals who for whatever reason just simply does not like a teacher they E-3 them and get rid of them.  If that’s not bullying enough not only do the principals get rid of them but make sure they are put on the no-hire-list for the future.

Then the Board changes and some appointee(s) decide to bring their friend(s) in which then they decide to change the curriculum.  This is done without any teacher input, then when the teachers are struggling trying to teach a new way and system they are yelled at and bullied.  So when Parents find out that their children are not doing so well or have extra homework they complain to the teacher.  This is the one person who has nothing to do with the curriculum or situation the teachers.  Then the teachers are asked to work more hours for less money and haven’t received adequate raises due to the large student loans most still have.  So the teachers decide to March or strike and the parents get mad at the teachers because they make well enough money, they get the summer off, they have it made.  I dare one of those parents to do a teachers job for one month and see how easy it is to teacher an overcrowded classroom of children of all kinds and needs.  All the time being bullied and worrying weather you will have a job next week or next month. 

Recently after attending an IEP meeting at Adlai E. Stevenson Elementary School I was shocked once again by CPS.  The Principal Kathleen Konopasek recently appointed to the position has a very interesting past I have come to learn.  It was no surprise to me that her Mother Dorothy Dillon once sued her own daughter Karyn for visitation rights.  The daughter she sued was Kathleen Konopasek’s sister who would also become a teacher.  A school teacher also at one time, Mrs. Kathleen Konopasek stated that her sister was "My sister is an angry woman who blames my mother for everything, from not giving her braces on her teeth to not paying for music lessons," says Katherine Konopasek in an interview by William Plummer.  This seems to be the flippant attitude that she has about her own sister and a huge court battle that is on the verge of breaking her sister and her husband financially and emotionally. 

This would be the type of things I would expect to hear from someone who was abused by their mother and possibly father in my opinion.  Music lessons and Braces is no reason to battle your mother in court refusing her access to your child yet this is Kathleen Konopasek’s rationale.  This is also the Principal of an Elementary School which is why I should not be so surprised by her actions and the way she is willing to allow children to be abused and/or neglected under her care or lack thereof.  I have spoken to several teachers at Stevenson school as well as some parents who all said the same thing she if tough and unfair not seeming to care about children but rather the rules and her own job.

This is a Principal that was brought in after the school failed to meet AYP (Annual Yearly Progress) for three years or more in a row.  So this is not a principal that was elected by an LSC, but rather an appointee from the Board to make sure the school looks good to the books and media.  Principal Konopasek even has admitted that she has made real efforts to encourage good and positive media coverage.  Since most media don’t have children who attend the school or attend LSC meetings the truth is left to people like me to expose to the light of day.  This is a woman who refused a homeless child, which is becoming more frequent, an education or admittance to “her school”.  Then when she was forced to follow the law what does she do, she gets the law department one Lee Ann Lowder to harass the parent and Advocate who keeps putting her in her place.

I have requested numerous requests for an interview with both women to ask some hard questions about their actions in this case to no avail.  The advocate has told me that he has requested to observe his client and both the principal and Lee Ann Lowder from the Board law department have refused.  He has assured me that he will be observing his client or force the school to have him arrested for trespassing.  I will be doing a later interview on this Advocate who is a priest and a man who accepts no money from the parents that need his help.  He states “I do it for the children so in fact I work for them and they cannot afford to pay me except with smiles and a good future”.  I also wished to ask if the rumors that Principal Konopasek and Lee Ann Lowder are in a relationship and do they feel this would be a conflict of interest.  Again no reply to my many requests but I am willing to have an interview with them to hear their sides whenever they choose to respond.

By: Jason B. Glenn


  1. I think that this is sick and CPS should do something why do they seem to be able to get away with everything? It seems that laws and thier own policies don't apply to them and when they get caught I have never seem one get punished.

    1. I would like to thank you and all of you for your replies and comments keep saying what you think.

  2. I am a student here and I want to spread the word that she is a bad principal. We were better off with our old principals. She doesn't "snatch away our chips and throw them away," she eats them... There's more

  3. I am a student also and she is a bad principal. She has tried to controll everything and is making everything difficult for students and teachers

  4. I am a student also and she is a bad principal. She doesnt let us bring chips which is not fair we should be able to bring chips and its not even fair that she took away chocolate milk like some people dont like drinking plain white mik thats why there was another pick which was chocloate milk but she took it away.

  5. i am ALSO a student here...she is NOT a good principal...i think it was a bad choice to take away our chocolate milk because most kids get their energy for the daydrinking that...now our vending machines...they give TEA and most of the time students cant buy it because it is "out of order"

    she hogs the milk to herself and other staff memebers...one of the other students told me that she has a place for all the milk...and it affects grades..in bad ways...I used to be an A student...im down to a's b's and c's....and most kids are failing due to one slight change...it affects all of us...i think we will be scoring even LOWER this year...

  6. Jason, get your FACTS straight. First fact that is incorrect, is that her name is Katherine, not Kathleen....interesting that you spent time in an IEP and couldn't get even THAT straight. Second, the kids you have posting on here had all A's because teachers were allowed to Pacify the parents to keep them happy. Now the students have to actually work for their grades. In addition, the chips thing is simply a school advocacy issue. Kids can bring chips if they like but the school as a whole discourages this unhealthy habit. any adult with a brain would be on the side of health...this is a waste of cyber space...move on with your pathetic "advocacy title"....you get paid for this don't you.. IEP advocates are simply trouble makers who know how to get around the rules. makes me sick

    1. First Anonymous coward: I am a reporter not an advocate nor have I ever been, I also have never been to an IEP though I do know what an IEP is I myself would have no idea what to do at one. I know what the Principals name is I was being intentionally rude by saying or spelling her name wrong as she would not respond to my many requests for an interview, (she hates that spelling). Next I have not posted one kid on here so I have no idea what you are talking about unless the posts by people. Unlike you I believe in the second amendment and will not censor my blog good or bad even someone as misguided as you are. I get paid for reporting and writing if that is what you are asking but as I stated I have not ever worked as or with an “Advocacy Title” and have never been paid as one. As for chips and healthy eating as for me though I do not have children would agree with you that every parent should and would encourage healthy eating. I never stated anything to the contrary so you must have an issue with reading comprehension no big surprise there. All that said Principal Konopasek nice try but not good enough.

    2. Anonymous .... do you even know what an IEP is for? An IEP is put in place for those unfortunate kids that cannot handle a fast-paced, regular education classroom. Most are labeled with autism, learning diabilities, developmental delays, you name it, there is a reason for it. It isn't their faults. So please stop picking on those with an IEP anonymous until you know exactly what one is! RIDICULOUS :(

  7. I'm a little confused, if the Chicago Public School System has our chilldren's BEST interest at heart, then why would they allow "Katherine Konopasek" to be principal of Adlai Stevenson School, or ANY school for that matter?

    Things often look good on the outside, but you can't judge a book by the cover. Anyone can make themselves look and sound good for a few interviews, to obtain what they are seeking after.

    Is Katherine Konopasek really what's BEST for our children and the teachers that educate them. How can our children possibly do their level BEST or be properly educated if the students along with the educators have to be subjected daily to an uncomfortable, unfair, humiliating and intimidating environment? This seems to be the consensus of the majority of the staff and students as to the atmosphere that one Katherine Konopasek has created at Stevenson School.

    If CPS is TRULY concerned about our children and their adopted Motto, "No Child Left Behind" & "Children First" is not just a "cliche", then they (CPS) would do what's RIGHT for our kids!

    CPS should not be allowed to just sit on their hands on this one. Start listening to the people! The Children, Staff & Parents of Stevenson School are complaining, but no one at CPS is doing a thing about. Are they even listening?

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