Thursday, September 29, 2011

Federico Garcia Lorca Elementary School

Let me put to rest all the doom and gloom for one minute and tell you about a School that I can tell is doing it right.  I have found a diamond in the rough a place where teachers care, the Administration knows what is needed to teach children.  The Special Education teacher(s) are great and not only know how to help the Children they want to.  When I say they want to I mean it’s a passion I thought I would never see I assumed CPS had beaten it out of the teachers. 

I place where if a Child or Parent needs help not only will they get the help needed or asked for they get much more they get kindness and understanding.  I will put it this way from what I have seen firsthand, what I have heard from other Children and their Parents the School should be nominated for a Golden Apple.  All too often, and I am a small part of this, we hear about the problems with Schools but us journalist rarely report on the great Schools with no problems.  In our defense it seems that ratings are better when you report the negative more that the positive.  I am here to begin to right that wrong and tell you about a great place that other CPS Schools could learn from. 

I am mentioning this wonderful School because for the first time I see a hope for CPS, a chance for some small measure of redemption.  Federico Garcia Lorca Elementary School is not just staffed with the best its very design is the best.  If you go to the School you will see that it’s very planning and design makes it the most conducive place anyone could want to learn.  Natural light is provided whenever possible; the building is energy efficient so our Tax dollars are used in the most efficient way.  Schroeder Murchie Niemiec Gazda-Auskalnis Architects, Ltd. is the Architect on record and let me tell you they should be proud.  They have embodied an entire structure that is designed for but one thing Children and an environment designed for learning.

 This is Federico Garcia Lorca Elementary School. To learn more about the School and features click the link.

The Principal is an amazing administrator; the Office Staff is like extended family to the Children, the Teachers are there to push the Children Academically and help the students achieve the most they can.  It is like nothing I have ever seen in a CPS School before staff working together to help each other and the Children get the best education possible.  I think that I have given my opinion enough so I interviewed three Children and one parent so I could get a more objective view.  Instead of a long point by point question answer I will just tell you the children said which will or should give you an understanding of the questions.  Also all the children that I interviewed came to Lorca from another school in the area so all the questions were based on the differences between Lorca and their previous Schools.

Child #1:  An 8th grade student had these things to say, the child “…liked that the classroom instructions and lessons are so much better explained that it makes doing homework so much easier.”  I asked about the staff and teachers, “…the people are so much nicer and you can tell that they actually care.”  I asked what the student liked about the School, “It is much easier to move around, you get to have your own locker, the Library is big and has a much better selection of reading materials.  The Gym is huge so you can do so much more activities and things, the lunchroom is bigger and the food is good with a better variety.”  I asked what the student didn’t like, “No technology class for the 8th Grade yet.”

Child #2: A 5th grade student and the student had these things to say, “They have a great salad bar, and not a lot of homework on Fridays, because we are learning more during the week from the teachers in the classrooms.”  I asked how the student felt about the staff, “The staff is much nicer at Lorca you can tell they are nice and really care.”  I asked the student what they liked about the building, “Everything is recycled, they use less energy including for the lights.  I like that I have my own locker, and I like that it has three floors, its better exercise.  Everything is so clean and perfect.”  I was surprised about the exercise it was something I had never considered and with the child obesity rate going so high that is nice.  I would like to know whether the designers took that into consideration or if they would just be happy that is a byproduct.

Child #3: A 7th grade student and this is what the student said, “All the teachers are nicer, and they explain things easier.  The teachers also don’t just sit at their desks they go around to make sure everyone gets it, both as a group and as individuals.”  I asked what the student did not like, “The quantity of homework is less then at the other school but the quality id higher.  I would like the lockers to be bigger.” (As you may have guessed this is a straight A student and overachiever.) I then asked what was good or better at Lorca, “Library is way bigger and you learn stuff which is great because you can have homework.  I like the desks; they are shaped like an arrow so when you are doing group activities you get to face each other.  The bathrooms are much nicer and well designed for privacy, and they have a body mirror so you can check how you look.  The bathrooms are also way cleaner, the soap dispenser is automatic, and there are two bathrooms on every floor.”  I asked about the staff, “We always see the Principal, Vice Principal and other staff around, which shows they care, and that means there is less chance of a fight in the hallways.” This is a student who would be great on the debate club or student counsel.

Parent #1: I asked if there was anything that the parent did not like, “The automobile traffic is bad and the school is not allowed to block Springfield a one way street.  The kids and parents that walk to school are sometimes blocked by cars blocking the sidewalk.  Also the parents who drop their kids off or the drivers don’t always pay attention it’s only a matter of time before someone gets hit.”  I asked about the School in general, “it is clean, plants are in the garden, the playground is beautiful, and the building is clean inside and well designed.”  I asked if there was anything else positive, “The building is green and environmentally friendly, the office is bigger with a small area for young children to play while the parents wait.  The staff is friendly and great about communicating and you can see them every day when school lets out if you have a question.”  I asked if there was anything she didn’t like, “The parent turnout was very low at the open house, and I would have liked to see more parent involvement.”

I feel that once the School has an LSC (Local School Counsel) in place there will be a better chance to get the Alderman and City Counsel behind some of the Parent #1’s concerns.  I also feel that with the staff that is so caring and involved the small little kinks every school that is new experiences will be a thing of the past.  I know that with Lorca’s leadership and staff that this is not only one school that cannot fail but that it should be a model for all CPS. 

As for the Parents not being as involved as some would like you have to consider that most school didn’t encourage parents’ involvement.  Sure they would put the notices up but at my children’s last school parents were an annoyance.  They even refused to answer question at the LSC meeting but would wait till the next meeting then if the parents were not at the next meeting no answer.  The School also had a huge digital timer which would only give parents two minutes for comments or questions.  I think once the parents realize this school is so very different they will be participating much more.

I am so glad that my children have a chance to go to a good school and have such good staff support, I know I never dreamed that there could be a school like this in CPS.  Whoever assembled this dream team of teachers, administrators, and staff should be our next CEO of the City of Chicago Board of education.  In closing I would like to say that my faith in CPS has a spark so keep looking for your spark school it may be out there. 

By: Glen Presnell


  1. My daughter is a student at Lorca for 2 yrs now I have been satisfied with the school. Both of her teachers were always available for meetings, they were patient and i noticed they always had a smile on their face. I am studying to be a teacher my self and while doing my observation hours at a preschool room i came across an excellent teacher who gave me inspiration and reminded me why teachers are important. The office staff is great and always so friendly and caring I really think Lorca is a model school.

  2. does anyone have an email contact for the school I would like to write to them! thanks!

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