Thursday, July 7, 2011

What is the Problem with CPS

This is happening throughout CPS and is currently happening at Scammon School where many low income children go to school.  Only the reason the Principal Mary T. Weaver is doing this to teachers is that she does not like them personally.  Professionally they are the best teachers at the school including a Golden Apple nominee the Principal refused to endorse.  These teachers too went from excellent ratings to E3 unsatisfactory in one year with no real justifications.

Mr. Rahm Emanuel wants to give Principals more powers in their roles as evaluators the problem is that most of these Principals have little to no teaching backgrounds.  This is where personal issues and abuses take a front seat to teaching abilities and professionalism. 

You may be asking yourself what the Chicago Teachers Union is doing about all of this.  Well that is a great question and I wish I could give you an answer that makes sense.  In my experience thus far it seems that the Union is more concerned with making friends with CPS then defending hard working teachers that pay their dues.  Make no mistake I dread the days when the teachers had what seemed a strike every year but I know understand the reasons.  If teachers are unhappy and constantly nervous for their jobs how can they teach our children?  The answer is they can’t and more important we get teachers that hate going to work and that will affect everyone.  

Chicago Teachers, Children, and Parents deserve better then what they have right now and the way Mayor Rahm Emanuel is directing CPS we are headed for disaster.  The question is why would the Mayor hire a superintendent from a small district in New York, Jean-Claude Brizard to run CPS?  The only reason I can see is that possible Mr. Brizard has the “Yes Sir” mentality.  If you are Mayor who wants to get re-elected and are nervous that your policy may fail then have a fall guy ready and in place.  This way for the Mayor it is a win-win situation politically he can take credit for the policy change if all goes well.  If all does not go well then he has the perfect person to take the credit for the failure and he can replace. 

If necessary hopefully the Union will strike and take our schools back from the bureaucrats and give it back to the educators, parents and advocates. 

How to truly know the system is broken…

Let me tell you about a true story that is happening right now at CPS and how the Board is doing nothing about the problem.  At Scammon School 4201 W Henderson there is a Principal named Mary T. Weaver and two assistant principals Angela Burgos and Manda Lukic.  I have learned that Ms. Weaver is currently being investigated for over 25 allegations ranging from Ethics violations, to criminal offenses.  My repeated requests for information on the current status of the investigation from CPS Board representatives have been ignored.  I have recently discovered that Ms. Weaver’s two children have used Scammon School to pad their resume’s Ms. Weaver’s son also works for the City of Chicago.  The investigation has been ongoing for well over a year with no conclusions.  Although CPS has been provided with concrete evidence for several of these allegations still the CPS Board has done nothing.

I have also learned that at one point in April 2011, the investigation was closed CPS stated they could find no evidence.  Then in April 2011, when a parent provided evidence the investigation was reopened but this seems to be a delay tactic to give Ms. Weaver time to correct the allegations.  I am happy to report that the Attorney General has agreed to do an outside investigation on this matter.  However this may be too little too late in the mean time Ms. Weaver is allowed to continue harassing teachers, students, and parents unchecked. 

All the policies and procedures that are in place by CPS to insure that this does not happen have gone ignored so why even have rules if they can be ignored?  If I break the law I’m arrested and charged, if I violate 20+ policies and rules at my job I get fired.  Maybe I should get a job as a Principal with CPS because if you have the right friends then I can just do what I want without worry.  Alicia Winckler Chief Human Capital Officer for CPS is ready to remove teachers for not putting lesson plans in a red folder.  Ms. Winckler is not willing to fire a Principal apparently no matter what she does as long as she is cutting teachers. 

When do we say enough is enough and force these people to follow the rules they are suppose to follow and let them know that we will demand accountability.  When do we as tax payers and parents say that we demand equal and fair treatment as well as punishment for those who are suppose to protect the public trust?  When is this broken system going to be fixed or are the inept and/or corrupt people going to be held accountable?

By: Jason Glenn