Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Scammon Elementary School's Mary T. Weaver (Principal)

Chicago, Illinois.
The Chicago News Uncensored


Chicago Public School’s Principal Mary T. Weaver (seen above) of Jonathan Y. Scammon Elementary School is in Ethical trouble again.  Upon doing a search on the internet at for Mary T. Weaver’s two Children Paul and Alexandra I found that both claim in their profiles that they were tutors at Scammon School where their Mother Mary T. Weaver is the Principal.  Alexandra Weaver even claims that she has been doing this “since 2006 till Present”.  Paul Weaver work for the City of Chicago Committee on Finance, (312)744-3380 as what was described by one insider as a “helper position”.  The Office has admitted that Paul Weaver does in fact “work there”, they would not comment further on the allegations. 

Mary T. Weaver has been unavailable to contact in an attempt to get her side of the matter.  It is not known whether Mary Weaver was aware that her Children were using the School as a way of padding their resumes or if she has been contacted by any prospective employers including the City of Chicago to confirm the information. 

After the numerous scandals, and allegations surrounding this Principal it is amazing that The Chicago Board of Education or the new Mayor’s Office has done nothing about this Principal.  CBS 2 News Dave Savini has done two stories on the School involving this Principal and they were less than favorable.  One Parent a Mr. Presnell has at his own expense and time has provided this reporter with numerous communications providing evidence and witnesses to the Board on many occasions.  Through all this nothing from the Mayor’s Office or CPS and no CPS policies or procedures have been enforced.

This reporter will continue to follow up and investigate this Principal, Scammon School, and CPS to let you know what I find.  I must tell you the evidence I have seen thus far has left me wondering where is the CPS Board in this and what are they doing?  What is the Mayor Rahm Emanuel doing about this after his memo on Principal Accountability?  I have also learned that Parents, Teachers and Students are being harassed and intimidated by Mary T. Weaver more to follow…

By:  Jason Glenn

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