Monday, February 7, 2011

When CPS has no Regulation or Accountability

Message from the Editor:

I understand the editing on Channel 2’s interview man am I getting fat but let me say some things that were edited out. First let me say that I think that channel 2 and Dave Savini did a great job and a thank you to all the staff at channel 2.

First CPS spent two years, I can’t even imagine how much money and resources to try and deny my son Michael his Civil Rights and his Rights to a free Appropriate Public Education. They perjured themselves, out right lied, the Principal did everything including intimidating staff and doctoring evidence. They forced me to take them to Due Process, which I won on every point. The attorney’s for CPS were in my opinion lying incompetent idiots.

All of this to deny a child an education for no other reason than to make themselves what I can only conceive as more important than they are. It’s like the administration won’t dare let an uneducated parent tell them the law or what they have to do. Well if you fight and won’t stop you can do just that. However, there are more victims out there and more children and parents trying to fight the system for no reason other than administration egos. Our children need help and if we won’t do something then we are the only ones to blame.

Let me tell you about a teacher, Georgia Mantis that was in the Sever Profound Special education class at Lane Tech. When she stood up for the children in her class including some issues that were life threatening she was rewarded by being fired. The Principal Antoinette LaBosco didn’t want a teacher that would protect and teach children just keep the funds coming. She still has her job this is Chicago CPS and this is what the board feels is in the best interest of the children. She is fighting CPS with almost no help from anyone that is in place to help her. Every agency has just ignored her or can’t be bothered. This sickens me as a parent, human being, and a tax payer.

What are we going to do? How are we going to protect these good teachers and get rid of the bad administrators? When are we going to stand up and protect the people teaching and helping our children and get rid of those who are only out for the money and will step on your child to get it? I feel the PTA (Parent teacher Association) needs to come back and take the power back from the politicians and bureaucrats that could care less about what they are there for and just what’s in it for them.

Please help me respond to this Blog and get involved or e-mail me at

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